A concrete water tank is a traditional water storage system that is installed underground and is made from concrete. It is an apt investment as the ideal water temperature does not need to be worried about unlike plastic tanks. 


  • Cost effective- When compared to other water tanks, a concrete tank is very economical as it requires lesser repair cycles which leads to lesser maintenance cost as compared to a steel tank or a polypropylene tank. 
  • Durable- Concrete water tanks can be installed in industrial, domestic and commercial properties and can last up to 50 years with very little maintenance 
  • Can be customized- Concrete tanks are available in various shapes and sizes that can be customized based on the need and purpose of instillation. 
  • Water tastes better- Plastic tanks can taint the taste of stored drinking water due to acidity and will reduce the taste of bitterness or odor. 

An important factor that should be kept in mind while making a purchase is the main purpose of the tank. This plays an important role in the location of the tank. 

For a domestic tank the main use can be divided as 4: 

  • Fire water 
  • Water for household use 
  • Irrigation/ sewage 
  • Storing stock water 

Location: If the tank is being used for household purposes, then it should be installed near the house. Concrete is among the best materials to use for this type of tank as the water stored is kept clean and portable. If the tank is used for fire-fighting purposes then it allows low space complications as it is out of sight but also ensures that the tanks fill up quickly. 

Main water source: For a domestic tank there can be 4 main water sources; groundwater, rain water, dam water and river water. This affects how the tank can be filled and the quality of the water. Some sources of water may require a filtration prior to usage. A filtration system can be made as paper filters, carbon filters, charcoal filters etc. 

Chemical storage: There are various risks and hazards while storing chemicals and these vary for each chemical. The prevention of these risks is important to minimizes the changes of accidents. There are various types of ‘dangerous goods storage tanks’ available that are made from a unique mixture of concrete which provide a complete moisture proof setting where the temperatures can also be monitored and maintained at a consistent level. 

Detention tank: A storm water detention tank is a cost- effective investment that helps in rain water harvesting that can be easily used for low- risk purposes like irrigation, washing clothes etc. It reduces the water bill and provides clean water without chemicals. Storm water is the water that is collected on the streets and footpaths. Since this water touches the ground, some filtration is required based on the final usage. Storm water can from: Driveways, Roads, Foot paths, Gutters, gardens, drain pipes and roofs. 

Retention tanks: Similar to detention tanks, rain water harvesting can be practiced with retention tanks that will help prevent flooding, reduce water bill and reduce the need for reservoirs. Before purchasing a new home, it is important to identify if there are flooding issues, if yes, then these retention tanks can go a long way to reduce the chances of flooding and with the right size od storage, even help in getting rid of the flooding problems. 

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